Monday, July 16, 2012

HairVlog: Grapeseed Oil!

Wow so grapeseed oil must have been one of the first oils I purchased on my hair journey. Back in the beginning I didn't really know what I was doing or what my hair liked. Anyways I finished my first big bottle and bought another one but I had bought other oils so I kind of forgot about my grapeseed oil. Well my avocado oil recently went bad so I decided to go back to my grapeseed oil and seal with it. The next day my hair felt so incredibly nice and soft1 I had completely forgotten how wonderful my hair feels when I use this oil. I guess that old saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it" is really true. It's okay to venture away from staple products but remember what products always make your hair feel healthy and juicy!


  1. I love grapeseed oil! Its an excellent sealant for me!

    1. Yes! Like I'm so sad I completely forgot about it, my hair loves this oil!

  2. Grape Seed Oil is definitely one of my favorites! It is so moisturizing!

    1. It really is! My other oils would leave something to be desired but not with my grapeseed oil!
